How awesome would it be to welcome a guest that shaped our childhood? Well, it might become reality.

Fans of the Digimon Adventure Series and last year's participants know that Rainer Fritzsche joined the first Digimon Adventure Series in October 2022. He signed tons of cards, took a lot of pictures and agreed to an interview for all the players. That was a great experience to all of us.
This year, we have another surprise for you. We welcome another guest to the second Adventure Series in Rüsselsheim. But who could that person be? Well, you find a hint to the right and it is Season 02 of the Digimon Adventure Series. Do you know? I am absolutely happy that this person will come to Rüsselsheim. Are you?
Also, we will have additional VIP surprises for you that day. You surely do not want to miss that. The last Adventures Series was just the beginning.
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